CAR BOOT SALE * every Sat 12-3pm COLLINGWOOD COLLEGE, Camberley GU15 4AE
- Collingwood Summer Boot Sale Kingston Road, Camberley, Surrey GU15 4AE Every Saturday from 28 Jun-27 Sept 2014 12 noon –3 pm (Setting up 11am) Cars Small/Medium £6 * Large £7/£8, Vans £10/£12 FREE PARKING FOR VISITORS TO THE CAR BOOT SALE Sale is held on a grass field, there is also some cover over hard standing in case of showers. Burgers, hot & cold drinks * Free on-site parking *** No booking needed*** *** As well as contributing towards the upkeep of the college grounds, the car boot sale organisers make a donation from every car boot sale to Crondall Stepping Stones – a Surrey pre-school in need of additional funds to stay open)
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