- Exchange OST to PST recovery software is right way to recover corrupted OST mailbox and restore OST file into PST file with OST file mailbox attachments such as-: OST file mailbox attachments such as-: Contacts, Calendar items, Notes, Scheduled tasks, appointments, journals, drafts etc. (To, Cc, Bcc, Subject, Date & Time etc. OST to PST tool is a good facility to repair OST file & conversion OST to PST file. So for start conversion process; Browse OST file location by two types; click on browse or select auto search option when you don’t know about OST location. Software automatically search OST location and Convert OST file to PST File with facility of splitting PST File where you can define the size in GB upto 5 to makes small PST File. Read More-: http://osttopstfile.codeplex.com/
- Price:
- 59.00
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