Point of Lay Chickens for Sale in Grayshott, Surrey Golden Valley Poultry
- If you are looking for point of lay Chickens for sale in Grayshott, Surrey, Golden Valley Poultry Farm is the best choice! We have 14 plus specialist Pure Breeds currently in the fields. You can mix and match the different girls including Swedish Flower Chickens, Araucanas, Buff Orpingtons, Pekins, Polish, Jersey Giants, Millefleurs, Brahmas, Silkies, Naked Necks, and Call & Muscovy Ducks. Some of our best selling girls are Golden Chickens, Black Chickens, Silver Link Chickens, White Leghorns Chickens, Speckled Chickens, Blue Chickens. So what are you waiting for? Visit us at Golden Valley Poultry Farm, Whitmore Vale Road, Golden Valley, Grayshott, Surrey, GU26 6JA. For more information about point of lay chickens of sale offer, visit our website: http://www.goldenvalleypoultry.co.uk