Secur And Easy To Manage Multiple Domin With A Single GEO Trust BusinessID Certificate
- GeoTrust True BusinessID Multi-Domain (SAN/UCC) Certificates support several domain formats as long as the organization specified in the certificate has the right to use the domain. This GeoTrust Certificates is ideal for shared hosting or QA testing environments and also Multi-Domain certificates enable up to 256-bit encryption. Buy GEOTrust True BusinessID Multi-Domain (SAN/UCC) Certificates at $235.50/yr Features & Benefits: •Full business validation •FREE lifetime, self-service reissues •AICPA WebTrust compliant •Present in 99%+ of mobile devices and smart phones •Unlimited Server Licenses at no extra cost + Secure www & non-www domains •Includes a True Site identity assurance Smart Seal - embedded organization name /date/time stamp
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