Zappos Call Center Process Without Upfront
- Process Details Inbound Call center Process Signup Directly with Zappos Inc. Work Type : Take inbound calls Communication Language : English Contract period : 11 Months Daily Target : No Target Minimum system required : 40 System Payments Payout : $7 Per Hour Per Seat Timing : 24*7 (No holiday) Mode of Payment : Bank Transfer/DD/Cheque Upfront : 5 Lakhs paid to broker at the time of signup Billing mode : Weekly billing Advance Payment : Above 1 Crore Document Required 1. Company ROC copy 2. Company PAN card 3. Directors profile 4. Director PAN card 5. Center Pics 6. Networking diagram 7. Company URL Along with these the Company Profile, MOA, AOA, and DOT acknowledgement. Kindly share me the above documents ASAP !!! How to register 1. Download registration Form 2. Fill the registration form. 3. Pay document processing fee+registration fee - 2050/- (Here is A/c Details) 4. Mail scanned registration form along with payment slip/transaction ID - 08571034405
- Price:
- 110059