New Free Citizen TV Training Package Online
- Announcing a new free part-time training package for 16-25 year olds interested in film, video, TV, journalism and the creative industries. • Combine online sessions, and, when the charity is allowed to open its doors, face to face camera training and shoots with all equipment provided. • No one is turned away and no previous skills are required. Sample Package Content Outline: Citizen TV makers introductory event. Fancy a career in the media? Documentary Film discussion with a film Director. Know your cameras and kit. Brainstorming ideas - a workshop. Shooting during Lockdown. An introduction to digital promotion for video makers. Footage review and editing basics. Fundraising brainstorm. What have we created? Face to Face Intensive Practical camera training (At the WORLDwrite Centre, Hackney depending on restrictions) Actual Shoots To take part in the part-time package, complete the simple online application.
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